This division of work mimics the division of work between the analyst and the developer in typical application development. 这种工作的划分模仿了典型应用程序开发中分析人员与开发人员之间的分工。
According to their division of work, all self-regulatory organizations shall go on a tour of inspection of the investor education, and timely submit the inspection reports. 各自律性构造要按照合作要求,对会员单位投资者教诲事变开展环境进行放哨,及时通报搜检环境。
Subsequently we see a division of work in the Ummah. 后来,我们看到稳麦中工作的不同。
Encouraging and supporting market-oriented operation and multi-channel financing of enterprises to make full use of the advantages of the whole industry and optimize the division of work and coordination. 鼓励和支持航空航天企业以追求项目的商业成功为目标,按照市场机制运作,多渠道筹集资金,充分发挥全行业优势,优化分工协作。
The principle of trust may also be applicable in team medication, taking division of work as its prerequisite and substantive trust relationship as its essential requirement. 小组医疗中信赖原则的适用以分工的确立为前提条件,以存在实质的信赖关系为根本条件。
We should improve the system of division of work and individual responsibility under the collective leadership by Party committees for greater efficiency. 进一步完善集体领导下的个人分工负责制,提高工作效率。
The overall requirements are: well-defined duties and functions, clear division of work, rapid response, and orderly coordination. 总体要求是职责清晰、分工明确、反应快速、协调有序。
The Division of Work and Cooperation between Pudong Airport and Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai 论上海浦东机场和虹桥机场的分工与合作
Relation model between transportation development and social division of work based on Markov chain 基于马尔可夫链的交通发展与社会分工关系模型
The members of the Party committees should earnestly exercise their functions and powers in accordance with the collective decisions taken and division of work. 委员会成员要根据集体的决定和分工,切实履行自己的职责。
The ideas and actions of their fraud had began in2003 and they had a clear division of work. 他们诈骗的起意和行为早在2003年就开始了,而且几个人有明确的分工。
A new mesh auto-generation algorithm of arbitrary quadrilateral is presented. The principle of overall planning, rational division of work, mutual supplement with each other's advantages, and co-ordinated development 在继承已有研究成果的基础上,发展一种任意不规则区域全自动四边形网格划分方法。统筹规划、合理分工、优势互补、协调发展的原则
Discussion of the Linkage and Division of Work in Each Class of Repairs of Railway Freight Cars in Our Country from the Code of Inspection and Repair 从检修规程谈我国铁路货车各级修程的衔接与分工
The principle of overall planning, rational division of work, mutual supplement with each other's advantages, and co-ordinated development 统筹规划、合理分工、优势互补、协调发展的原则
To summarize, I think personally: The division of work is historic trend. 综上所述,我个人认为:分工的精细化是历史的必然和进步!
Determine division of work and post responsibilities of personnel in project supervision department and notify the employer and the contractor in written; 确定监理项目部机构人员分工和岗位职责,并以书面形式通知建设单位和承包单位。
Professional division of work guarantees whole success. 把每个作业部分都交给最专业的人才。
The division of work into socially useful and socially useless was a particular preoccupation of the post-Woodstock generation. 把工作分成对社会有益和对社会无益两类,这是伍德斯托克之后的一代人尤为关注的一件事。
The work meeting of the Coordination Panel thinks highly about the existing problems, and has made the general deployment in respect of division of work and cooperation among the relevant authorities. 协调小组工作会议高度重视存在的问题,并对各相关部门的工作分工及协调配合做了总体部署。
Connection must be a clear division of work, it was reviewed inspection to ensure connectivity of norms, diameter appropriate, accurate, reliable handsome. 连线工作必须分工明确,有人复查检验,以确保连线工艺规范、线径合适、正确无误、可靠美观。
But, in the case-handling process, the relevant units have confronted some issues on the ambiguous division of work and cooperation and boundaries in policy and law. 但在案件办理过程中,相关单位也遇到了一些分工协作、政策法律界限不够明确等问题。
Establishing reasonable system of division of work. 合理分工,思想工作和预防措施。
Development of centralized production and social division of work are the dual manifestation of socialization of production. 生产集中化和社会分工的发展实际上是生产社会化的二重表现和形式,通过集中化,提高劳动的社会生产力和规模效益;
Secondly, the thesis presents the theory of enterprise borderline and many assertions of different academic schools. After describing the division of work and cooperation, we put forward the notion of Enterprise Supply Chain Network and analyze the operation, structure and trend of Supply Chain Network. 其次,本文从管理理论中的企业边界问题入手,从分工和协同的角度,提出了企业供应链网络的概念,并分析了供应链网络的运行、组织结构和发展趋势。
Current opportunity with regard to product, technology, market and division of work for china's furniture industry are also discussed. 并对当前我国家具工业在产品、技术、市场和专业分工等方面的机遇作了探讨。
Realizing single production and fine division of work around the world is an unavoidable tendency. 在世界范围内实现生产的专一化和分工的细化是一种必然趋势。
International trade theory has explained the win-win philosophy of complete division of work and mutual benefit in trade. 国际贸易理论阐释了在完全分工与贸易互利性的双赢理念。
The decisive factors that have led to the rise of enterprises are development of a social system for division of work, detailed description of different processes of operation inside the organization, and cooperation of various specialized operations. 社会分工体系的发达,劳动组织内对工序和操作的细分以及基于操作专业化的各工序与操作的劳动协作,是企业产生的决定因素。
Freeway construction which is a complex action included technology and economy is involved with a lot body and changeable environment factor. There are refinement division of work and widely external cooperation during the construction. 高速公路建设是一个复杂的技术、经济活动,涉及众多的主体和多变的环境因素,其建设过程中有着细致的分工和广泛的外部协作关系。
Concrete analysis includes: system, resource and division of work. 具体分析包括:制度、资源和分工。